Our 2017 San Juan Islands Vacation

Thursday, 8.10.2017

It's crabbing time again! Up we go to take Abigail to shore for her morning duties. Then it's back to the boat for pancakes and bacon. We had picked up a ferry schedule so we decided on a 10:20 ferry to Friday Harbor. But first, the crab pots must be set. We made our list for Friday Harbor shopping (COD - chicken, oysters, dog food) and loaded the pots with the last of our crab bait. Two pots dropped in our traditional area and on to the ferry landing.

Lynn grabbed a latte while I secured the dinghy and then we got word the ferries were running a bit late. The 10:20 ferry showed up about 11:20 (hey, it's island time) and on we went to Orcas Landing and then Friday Harbor.

Our first stop was to have fish and chips at the restaurant with outdoor seating (works for Abby) and a spectacular view of the harbor. After lunch it was over to King's Market to get our COD and some yogurt and some half and half. The Lynn went back in and got an insulated bag and an ice pack so stuff didn't go bad before we got back to the boat. We still had two plus hours to kill. We walked to the marina and checked on reciprocal moorage (it's on F dock) then walked to the end of the dock looking at boats and people. While on the dock we saw "Popeye", the local Friday Harbor seal.

Next stop, the wine shop. We tasted all their wines (for a mere $5 tasting fee) and bought a couple of bottles and some more funny napkins. And then to the ferry waiting area. Lynn made a run to the ice cream shop for a chocolate banana ice cream cone while I ate my yogurt from the Market. And Abigail stayed in the waiting area with me, too exhausted from having to walk around Friday Harbor.

Still on the same delayed schedule (one hour) the ferry showed up and we headed back to Shaw Island where we bought two more bags of ice. Then to the boat to unload our purchases and then check the crab pots.

We only had two keeper dungies in the pots (and some red rock crabs we always throw back) so we moved the pots a bit and added some fresh bait for an overnight soak.

Once back on our boat we heard "Hey, Carpe Diem, got any good red wine?". It was Dave and Terri pulling up in their dinghy. They had come in earlier that day from Canada and anchored in the same bay and then noticed our boat. As they had been in British Columbia for a spell they were longing for good affordable red wine so we shared our abundance and caught up on stories.

After they headed back to the Caramba, we put oysters on the barbeque. A little butter, vodka and lemon juice after they opened and we had a delicious happy hour with a bottle of Oyster Bay sauvignon blanc. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs and (you guessed it) cribbage, chocolate and Pommard. Finally, for the first time this trip, I won a game and am now 1-3 for this vacation. Reading and sleep. Pots are soaking...